Purple Post 8 - April

New website layout

We are currently working on a new layout for our website which will be much easier to navigate and have a better information structure so that you easily can find everything you want to know about. The guide section will see a huge improvement. WebRTC and DNS leak test will also be available on release.

New translations

A Finnish translation will soon be available for the Fins! If you have suggestions or would like to help out with translating a new language for our website and VPN client, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

New WireGuard SE1 IP

Our IP address used by WireGuard in SE1 has been blacklisted by some services and we are therefor going to change IP to a whitelisted one. The change will take place later on this week, we will put out more information about the change when we know the exact date.

Warrant Canary

Has been updated and can be found here.