WireGuard Implementation Update

We at AzireVPN love technology and we always crave to find the best hardware and software for fulfilling our mission: protecting people' privacy, while ensuring the best possible performance for exigent customers. We therefore decided to propose this new tunnel in a free beta test and we were one of the first to do so, in September 2017 until November 2018.

We were happy with the scaling test results and we are now systematically proposing it on every of our current and new locations, either in shared/static or full shared IP addresses modes. We even released IPv6 hostnames so that users with IPv6 enabled Internet lines can reach us through it. We advise all our users to try out this new tunnel and to share us their experience, if they wish to do so.

Pre-alpha WireGuard on Windows

This is the biggest news about WireGuard in this first half of the year: the release of the pre-alpha Windows WireGuard client. Note that we really particular stress out, as the WireGuard team, that this client is pre-alpha. You are free to test it out but it is not recommended for a daily usage, yet.

Here are the list of the main points from the official announcement:

  • Same basic user interface design from macOS
  • Includes a syntax-highlighting configuration editor
  • Encrypted configuration files conservation
  • Focus on security with a multiprocess service architecture and process isolation
  • Automatic "kill-switch" to block untunneled traffic
  • Signed drivers for most Windows versions
  • Update mechanism directly included into the client
  • An native easy-to-use installer and uninstaller

Would you like to try it out? We have created a guide to make it easier. If you encounter any bugs, please report them to the WireGuard team.

New supported platforms guides

We also provide other guides regarding other platforms on which WireGuard is available:

Full shared IP mode for our Oslo, Norway location

Our new Oslo, Norway location has been deployed in full shared IP addresses mode, meaning that no public or static IPv4 or IPv6 addresses is available. It is also another great point for our privacy focused customers who do not like having public or static IPv6 addresses which is actually the default on other locations, depending of the tunnel used.

What's next?

In the foreseeable future, we do not plan to stop there! We are working on implementing WireGuard into our custom VPN client on Windows: azclient.

We also plan to release an easy to use Android custom VPN client, also called azclient, with WireGuard support. More about this soon!


In the future, AzireVPN will be able to provide public IP addresses like we actually do with OpenVPN. It needs the development of a special module called wg-dynamic, therefore we donated to the WireGuard project to accelerate the development of an official open-source module, as we refuse to use proprietary software that people cannot review and trust.

We plan to deploy full shared IP addresses mode on our other locations as well, when wg-dynamic will be ready to be deployed. This way our users would have the choice between full shared or public IP addresses modes, both IPv4 and IPv6.

"WireGuard" is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.