Incident report

Our service experienced temporarily failures around 5:40 to 7:30 UTC which caused our web server (including our API), authentication service and all SE servers to go down. The cause of the problem were related to a power outage in our data center in Stockholm, Sweden. We do not know the reason for the outage other than that it covered a larger part of the region.

Obviously there are flaws in our service and we know about them. It is on our TODO to fire up a second core location and our next EU location will be just that.

Our status page will receive an update this month and will be moved to an external server so that it can be accessed when issues like this occurs.

1 day has been added to all customers accounts for the inconvenience.

Thank you all for your patience while we worked on getting everything up and we know and will work hard to find solutions so that this cannot happen again in the future, it will take time but that is our goal.