Purple Post 6 - February
We went to London last week (26th Jan) to re-locate our servers to our new ISP, everything went as planned and our new ISP is pushing our traffic now.
The reason for the change is simply that we want to use the same ISP as we use in Sweden. We'd like to thank our old ISP (Call27) for everything, we did not end our contract in bad will.
Here's some pictures from our trip to London, which has been requested by some of our users:

Newsletter and maintenance e-mail
As you might have noticed, we haven't really used our newsletter/maintenance e-mail function and that will change from now on. It's recommended to review your settings so that you don't end up missing or getting something you don't want to get.
Implementing new payment method, altcoins
We've had request to support more than just Bitcoin and we have listened! We are currently working on integrating a new payment provider which does support 15+ altcoins, there's no ETA when we will roll out it to production but hopefully it will be out soon.
WireGuard scheduled maintenance
US/CA/ES will be brought down for an update, which will improve capacity. The maintenance has been scheduled for 3th Feb, 10:00 AM CET.
All keys will be wiped on that specific location when it's brought online again so be sure to re-run our azirevpn-wg.sh script or download a new cfg to your Android phone.
Warrant Canary
Has been updated and can be found here.